Cards Game - Chkobba / Escoba de 15 / Italian broom / unlike / reversce ☆,,,, offline game ☆,, ”This game is an alternative of the" Italian Fucking
Cards game - Chkobba / Escoba de 15 / Scopa Italiana / A Differenza / Reverse
☆☆☆☆☆ OFFLINE GAME ☆☆☆☆☆
This game is an alternative of the "Scopa Italiana" game and it includes all the alternatives most important of the world, it has an history with creatures of Greek mythology and each level unlock different ways to play it.
The Help screen can be useful for the users that do not understand how to play the games and a careful explanation of each unlocked option.
The main aim is learn to play "Escoba de 15", Italian Scopa, Subtraction Scopa, Chkobba ( Škubba / Chkouba / Chcobba ) , Reverse Scopa.
If you want to play Quick game there are a lot of variation... It is recommended do not enable more than 5 options for game. But it is possible see that enabled options from the game screen.
As chapters of history are exceeded, different decks are unlocked, number of players, playing with most cards, evaluate Napola, play in team, King of coins (golds) or Re Bello, Sbarazzino, Ace takes all (Asso Piglia tutto ), Figures and many very funny variants ...
We are currently under development. We will happy if you will send us a comment.
Offline game mode. (Escopa - Escoba - Scopa - Chkobba - Chkouba - Chcobba)
© Copyright of all graphics/characters/scripts are property of Smart Ideas and it is prohibited its total or partial reproduction.
Enjoy it !!!